What's new in our lives?
Jonathan and I have a biology test that is absolutely horrible. The guy gets up with some powerpoints and people just copy them down exactly. There's really not a whole lot of teaching. And this guy assumes that everyone has a background in biology and chemistry. HELLO! I've never taken a chemistry class in my life. And the last time I took biology was about 4 years ago. I'm doomed.
I got new glasses a week or so ago. What do we all think?
So lately I've been eating breakfast which is a huge thing for me. I'm so not a breakfast person. So I'll usually eat either cereal or instant breakfast stuff which is just powder in milk. The past couple weeks anytime I drink milk I get horribly sick. Guess what? Sarah might be lactose intolerant again! Yay!
Can I just say how much that would suck? I don't have time or energy to read labels and make sure I'm not killing myself. Although, I think it's really only milk that's the problem. Cheese and yogurt doesn't really make me feel sick. Lame lame lame.
So tonight I'm just sitting on the couch watching what not to wear because moving feels like death. Grr.