Let me just start out by saying that I'm getting my Christmas cards ready so if you'd like one, email me your address at sarahegeddes@gmail.com
Now you can stop reading if you want :)
We've reached the final stretch! One more week! But this last week has about 7 tests for me :( Jonathan's semester is wrapping up at about the same pace that the rest of the semester went. My teachers decided to lay it on thick. I had two group projects due last Friday with a paper as well. Now I have 7 tests. Oh well, it'll all be over soon.
Thanksgiving was great. We went down to Utah to see my mom, brother and sister-in-law. Of course we got to see the rest of the step family too which was fun. We exchanged Christmas presents with Daniel and Sarah which was awesome. We wish we could see them a lot more.
I'm so excited to have most of our Christmas shopping done! If we don't have it yet, we at least know what we're getting. Then comes wrapping! I just love everything about giving Christmas presents. Thinking of what they'd like, going out to find it, and coming home and wrapping it up. J and I need to go get a Christmas tree so I can start wrapping his presents and sticking them under them.
I just love Christmas!