I'm getting pretty sick of Rexburg weather. Its been raining all day and isn't supposed to get any better tomorrow. The best weather day we've had recently has only been in the low 70s. Get me out of here!
Chloe goes in to get spayed tomorrow. Oh and she's getting a tooth pulled too. Poor baby. Tomorrow will probably be a good excuse to take pictures of her though. She'll be so mellow she'll let me.
And since I haven't posted any pictures for awhile I suppose I can find one so that you all remember what we look like.
This is usually how Milton looks. He always has a sock. We take them from him but he always seems to find another. He probably takes them off my feet in the night and hides them for later use. He's pretty sneaky.
Como puede ser que mi hermana no le gusta espanol? Me encanta esta idioma. Lo hablan en los cielos!
You sound lonely. We'll be there soon! Give J, Milton and Chloe a kiss for us.
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